Thursday 17 December 2015


This is the start of magazine cover, which I have been working on today. I have chosen and added the masthead font, as well as making the image onto a portrait scale, which was needed for my magazine. I have blended the top out using the correct tools on PhotoShop and made sure all the colours go together.

Wednesday 16 December 2015


Today I continued to work on my music magazine cover. I was still not 100% sure on which picture to have as my cover image, therefore, I decided to do more editing but on a different picture this time. 
Although I really like this one that I have edited today, I have finally chosen the image from the post for my cover. This is because I feel it fits more and the style and shot type work best for a cover too. 

Above I have posted two different versions of the editing I did today. This was as I couldnt decide on which way round to have the two colours. By posting it on here it enabled me to not only compare but see how it looks on this kind of scale.

Thursday 10 December 2015


Today I have been working on starting my magazine. I have been experimenting wqith different colours and effects on images, this being the main one I chose. I am still not enterly sure which image I want on the cover, as I like this one but i am unsure whether it is correct for my genre of pop.

Thursday 3 December 2015

Research and Planning START MAGAZINE

 Today I began working on my magazine cover. I am still unsure of which image to put as the cover as of yet, but I decided this is one of the options and I started editing the contrast and hue/saturation levels. I did this on a programme called Adobe Photoshop.


Image result for little mix 2015

These are the artsits I have chosen/ would choose to put on my contents page. I have specifically chose these artists for my music maagzine as I feel they fit the genre very well, and all have the correct look for it too. 

By this I mean aspects of them such as their; clothes, hair, makeup, facial expressions, and colours. They are almost all smiling, and if not, they still have the right colours and look to go along with my genre. Some are wearing colours that are plain but effective, for example; pinks and reds etc, but others are wearing plain blues and blacks. Although these last ones are quite dark colours, when my genre(pop) is suppose to be bright, I still feel they are relevant as I think they do at good job at represnting the mature girls in my target audience, who are at the age of 15-19 year old. Whereas the bright pink pop colours represnt the younger section well, who are roughly 9-14 year old.

I have also chosen these artiosts as they are all known in the pop world, as they are pop artists, or if they arent, have done at least 2 pop somgs at some point in their careers. This means they are artists my target audience will be interested in and will want to read about. Therefore by having them in my magazine it should bring in more of my audience, and make them want to purchase it, creating a substancial profit. 

Research and Planning LOCATION RESEARCH

Photography Studio
14 C****** Street

16 T******* Road
As part of my additional research for my blog, I decided to do a little exploration into my chosen locations, and analysis why I have chosen them and what is so good about them.
First of all I chose the photography studio at college, as I felt this was a good place to shoot for my magazine. This was as the lighting in there is spot on and there would be no risks or let downs, e.g. bad weather, animals, other people etc. Also, it was an easy place for models to locate and come to, which was needed in order for me to take my photos. Although in the end, I decided not to use this as one of my locations, as I found it wasn't unique and adventurous as much as I need it to be, because of my genre of magazine. So I decided to solemnly use it just to take my model head shots, and auditions of model shots.
I then chose two different locations which are further out from college, but still very near. These locations are pictured above. I decided to choose these two as I feel the bricks add a little variation from other magazines, yet still fit my genre well. As they are plain walls, when editing my photos, I could potentially add any extra detail on and nobody wold know any different. I specifically chose the white wall, for the females shoot, as  I knew I wanted the girls to be in pink clothing, and I felt white and pink together would create a perfect pop image and would stand out majorly, especially in a magazine.