Thursday 3 December 2015


Image result for little mix 2015

These are the artsits I have chosen/ would choose to put on my contents page. I have specifically chose these artists for my music maagzine as I feel they fit the genre very well, and all have the correct look for it too. 

By this I mean aspects of them such as their; clothes, hair, makeup, facial expressions, and colours. They are almost all smiling, and if not, they still have the right colours and look to go along with my genre. Some are wearing colours that are plain but effective, for example; pinks and reds etc, but others are wearing plain blues and blacks. Although these last ones are quite dark colours, when my genre(pop) is suppose to be bright, I still feel they are relevant as I think they do at good job at represnting the mature girls in my target audience, who are at the age of 15-19 year old. Whereas the bright pink pop colours represnt the younger section well, who are roughly 9-14 year old.

I have also chosen these artiosts as they are all known in the pop world, as they are pop artists, or if they arent, have done at least 2 pop somgs at some point in their careers. This means they are artists my target audience will be interested in and will want to read about. Therefore by having them in my magazine it should bring in more of my audience, and make them want to purchase it, creating a substancial profit. 

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