Friday 8 April 2016


Hello Examiner,
I hope you enjoy looking through my blog, just like I have enjoyed creating it. I hope it is everything you need is here, and in the correct order!!
Thank you, have fun,
Talia x

Thursday 7 April 2016





I am now happy with my magazine, although I am still not 100% certain on my double page spread. This is because I feel the colours do not corrolate well with eachother. However, although I am still yet to make changes, I have decided to do them whilst completing my evaluation, as I feel it will help me finalise it how I want it.


I used the software Voicethread to create this.


This is my evaluation video for question 6. I used the programme iShowU to create this video.



Powered by emaze

Friday 18 March 2016


When creating the cover for my music magazine I decided to take inspiration from other magazines similar to my genre. I did this as I felt it would help me identify with what people who read my genre like to read about, and see in a magazine of its type. 

The two magazine covers I took inspiration from are Billboard and POP magazine. I chose these two as I feel they represent what I would like my music magazine to represent very well, and usually design and include content very similar to mine. 

The first one I chose was Billboard, the Adele cover. However, I chose to have the Brazilian cover as I felt it identified more with how I wanted mine to look, more than the British one. This is because I liked the simple look it has to it, as it is just a plain background with the main focus being on the cover image. This is how I wanted mine, as I felt it was important for my cover image to be the main feature. This is as it is what most of my magazine is about, as it's the double page spread story too. 

The second one I chose was POP magazine. I decided to take influence from this cover as I felt it had an unusual look to it, and thats what I wanted for my mag cover too. It had a funky twist to it and was unique like no other magazine. I wanted this for my music magazine as I felt it had to be different and stand out from any other. It had to draw attention, and although I didn't copy the cover, I definatly took inspo from it. I took the pop art look from it and adapted it into my magazine cover.

Thursday 17 March 2016

Research and Planning TWITTER FEEDBACK

A few months ago I set up a twitter page regarding my magazine. I set up questionnaires of multiple choice so I could gather feeback off an audeince (not necessarrily mine), and also promote my magazine a little. 

On the twitter page, I asked the questions; Which bright colour scheme do you think would fit best throughout my pop magazine?, Do you agree £2.50 is a reasonable price for a fortnightly pop magazine?, and Which of the following artists gig should I review? I did suceesfully gather some feedback from the public, which helped me decide on certain aspects in and for my music magazine. 

The questions that the feedback helped influence were, ''Which of the following artists gig should I review?'', as the majority vote was One Direction, therefore I know to review them, as it will hopefully draw people in as it what the public has voted. Also the other question of of the three, where the answers helped influence my magazine and decision was, ''Do you agree £2.50 is a reasonable price for a fortnightly magazine?''. The feedback helped as it was a full majority of Yes, therefore I know that this price is reasonable and people wil be willing to pay it. I now know what price I can have my music magazine at, where people will be willing to buy it. However, this may change once people know it now more of an adult pop magazine, and not pretty pop.

Although, as we can see here, the majority of the feeback did help, some still didn't. On the question, ''Which bright colour scheme do you think would  fit best throughout my pop magazine?'' The feedback isn't helpful to me now as I have changed the genre of my magazine, none of these colour schemes fit anyway, and i ended up going with another one. Therefore this question is now irrelivant, which makes the feedback uninfluencial.

Friday 11 March 2016

Research and Planning PROGRESS CONTENTS PAGE X4

Today I have been working on my contents page and cover.
Today I added the number issue onto the cover.
Also, I have begun to plan out my conetnts page, although I clearly still need to finish it, and add another image next to the two at the top. I also need to finalise my fonts, as I don't think the ones on the contents page are 100% suitable for the page, and the genre.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Resrach and Planning COVER PROGRESS 5

Today I have worked moer on my front cover, as i felt it needed a change. 
I have changed the title font, and added text desrbing the content and extra content featured inside. There is also now a barcode.
The only other things i now need to do are add an issue number, and add a price.

Research and Planning NEW AUDIENCE

Thursday 11 February 2016

Research and Planning DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD X4

Today I have decided that I am going to have the artsits name (OLIVER) ina neon sign box. Today I have started to create the box that will be around it.

Thursday 4 February 2016

Research and Planning CONTENTS PAGE 1

Today I began working on my conetnts page. I have done the title, main picture, andf then began working on the 3 images that will be featuring in the section 'hot right now', which will be on the left side of my conetnts page.

Friday 29 January 2016


This is my double page spread so far. As you can clearly see it has come on a bit since last time. This is because I have chnaged my colour of question text into purple, to diferenciate the questions and answers. And also chnaged the colour of the intro to the interview. I have chosen blue and purple as these are the colours of the bricks behind him. I have also typed the name/ title, and chosen a font which i think is quite appropriate, but it may not be the final font.

Thursday 28 January 2016


Today I have been working on my double page spread. I have now finished the interview and created the black gradient, meaning the background, and image, are also complete. Now I need to put a title on, which will probably be his anme, a little decoration (eg, maybe a neon light), and make the quesions in the interview into purple text, not white.  

Friday 22 January 2016


I still have a lot to do on the double page spread  but this is it so far. Eventually I will use a balck gradient to fade into the picture therefore the text will be more visible and it wont just be a line where the end of the picture is and the space, it will all be filled. 

Research and Planning PROGRESS ON COVER

Although I still have a lot to do for my cover, this is it so far.

Monday 11 January 2016

Research and Planning MAJOR CHANGE

I have recently decided, taking into account my target audiences ages, to make my magazine genre into Adult Pop.

I have chosen to do this as taking on-board the section of my audience that is over the age of 15, will more than likely prefer to buy a Adult Pop mag, rather than a girly pop mag, which is usually for girls aged 11-14. I have decided to concentrate morew on the older section of my target audeince when creating my magazine as they will be other audience that will be buying my magazine, more than likely without parents persmission as they are E-Class and will probably be working.