Friday 18 March 2016


When creating the cover for my music magazine I decided to take inspiration from other magazines similar to my genre. I did this as I felt it would help me identify with what people who read my genre like to read about, and see in a magazine of its type. 

The two magazine covers I took inspiration from are Billboard and POP magazine. I chose these two as I feel they represent what I would like my music magazine to represent very well, and usually design and include content very similar to mine. 

The first one I chose was Billboard, the Adele cover. However, I chose to have the Brazilian cover as I felt it identified more with how I wanted mine to look, more than the British one. This is because I liked the simple look it has to it, as it is just a plain background with the main focus being on the cover image. This is how I wanted mine, as I felt it was important for my cover image to be the main feature. This is as it is what most of my magazine is about, as it's the double page spread story too. 

The second one I chose was POP magazine. I decided to take influence from this cover as I felt it had an unusual look to it, and thats what I wanted for my mag cover too. It had a funky twist to it and was unique like no other magazine. I wanted this for my music magazine as I felt it had to be different and stand out from any other. It had to draw attention, and although I didn't copy the cover, I definatly took inspo from it. I took the pop art look from it and adapted it into my magazine cover.

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