Tuesday 15 September 2015

Research and Planning 5 COLLEGE/ SCHOOL MAGCOVERS

All these college/ high school magazine covers have certain aspects that are similar and certain qualities in common.

*The masthead college in bold writing that stands out - This is maybe to draw your attention in as it will be the first thing you see when you look at the cover.
*The logo positioned somewhere on the cover - this helps to identify a school or college, maybe if a person/ people don't know the name of the institution the logo may help to identify it and they may recognise the place by the logo.
*Images of a student/ a group of pupils - this helps to show a little insider of the school. For example, if the student(s) are smiling it hints to someone, maybe wanting to send their child there, that its a happy and enjoyable place/environment to be in.

*A slogan/ their mission - this helps parents and careers wishing to send their children to that place what the school will encourage in their learning and it also gives a slight indication to how the college runs and its moral values.

In my opinion, you can tell they are all college/ school magazines as they all look professional. What I mean by this is they all have things like colour schemes. This makes them look more of a high standard. Also, they all include a main image of a student which shows they are a college magazine as pupils attend these institutions. This also helps promote what the environment is like there through visualisation rather than words, like said earlier; if the child looks happy and is smiling it suggests that the institution is a nice, safe and friendly one to be in. Also, they all have the word COLLEGE as their masthead, or part of it. This tells us its a college magazine for many obvoius reasons as its stating what it is. As well as all this, they all have young people on the cover, which implies that they are college magazines as it s usually young students who attend college. The stories included on the cover all link to young students as well, which shows us who the audience to the magazine is aimed at, which we know from these stories is students.

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