Thursday 24 September 2015


I decided to keep my final magazine cover the exact same as my draft. This is because I really liked the way it looked and it was exactly how i imagined and wanted it.

To create the front cover of my college magazine I used the Adobe Photoshop software.
The tools I used were as followed:

*Text- I used the text tool to insert the text onto my magazine cover, but I used a website called DaFont to select my fonts. I preferred to find more unusual and better suiting fonts for my magazine genre, rather than the usual bog standard fonts that are already available on Photoshop.
*Layout- I used the layout tool to put the bubbles around my story titles and selected the white colour to go around the text as its black so this helps it really stand out. Also, I did the main masthead in white so therefore the readers eyes will be automatically directed to the story texts after the masthead as they are both the same colour. Although, I put my main story at the bottom in green as it matches the green door in the picture, so therefore attention will hopefully be yet again gained.
*Picture insert- I inserted the barcode image, as every real magazine has one therefore I needed one. I also inserted the Clarendon logo in the top left hand corner and used the pro cut laser tool to cut it out, so no white background was left surrounding it. This made it look more professional.
*Spot healing brush tool- To discard of my spots and make my skin look smooth.

To create my contents page I used a software called InDesign.

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