Friday 25 September 2015

Research and Planning ANALYSIS MAGAZINE 1

The genre of this magazine is obvoiusly pop. The artists that are featured on the front cover of this magazine are people such as Meghan Trainor, The Vamps and Taylor Swift. These music acts are all part of the pop genre which suggests to us that this is a pop magazine. Also, the colours are bright and bold, ones that stand out, which hints to us too that this is a pop magazine, as if it was a rock magazine bright pinks and yellows wouldn't be used. The fonts that are used are also bold and outstanding from others. The text is all in bold writing and funky 'cute' fonts which shows us that this is no other than a pop magazine. The stories that are fetaured on he front cover are all about celeberites that are in the pop music buisness or art of the pop world, and also stories about first kisses, which shows us who the magazine is aimed at, which helps us decode and know which genre it is.

Meghan Trainor is the cover girl on this magazine issue, wearing a lacey blue top and bright makeup. She is smiling, very happily, and looks excited to be there. Her clothes are bright and stand out and give off a positive vibe. She is represnted as the sterotypical pop princess by what she is wearing and the facial expersion on her face. The other artists on the front are also all smiling and wearing clothes that are either bright or give off a happy glow. This indicates to us that this is a happy smiley magazine for young girls who love bubblegum pop.

The audience this magazine is targeted at would stereotypically be teenage girls. This is shown to us by the colours used, bright and bold, the artists on the cover, Meghan Trainor and Joey Essex, and the fonts used, bold and colourful.

The shot type that is used on the front cover of this magazine is a medium close up. This shows its a pop magazine as if it was a rock magazine, for example, it would most likely have a long shot, featuring almost the whole body and a lot of the background. There is also little images of certain celebs heads which can be seen as a little silly, in a nice way, but it gives it that immature feel which also indicates to us that this magazine is for teenagers, specifically girls. The colours used are all bright and bold pinks, yellows and blues... fun colours that draw your attention whether you like it or not. The font sizes are bold and in your face. They have also used many different font types which helps to grab your attention as you want to look in all different places to see all the different fonts. Lastly, the clothes and props used are all bold and bright. Little images of lip prints and nail varnishes are also on the cover, which shows its for young girls.

Finally, the BBC logo is featured in the top left hand corner on the front cover of this magazine which shows its a main BBC branded magazine. The BBC holds high status as it has a channel, studios, magazines etc, therefore by placing the logo on the cover gives it a little status, meaning it will more than likely be a good read for its main auidience.

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