Friday 25 September 2015

Research and Planning ANALYSIS MAGAZINE 2

The genre of this magazine is bubblegum pop. This is shown by many different features, the first being the images on the front cover. The photographs on the cover of this issue are of artists such as One direction (the main cover boys), Little Mix, The Vamps and so on. These are all artists in the pop industry which indicates to us that this is a pop magazine. The colours used are all bright and bold, pink and yellows which shows us that this is a fun, happy magazine and this is what the colours connote. This proves to us that this is a pop mag. The stories featured on the cover of this magazine are  focused around girly confessions and conversations such as Valentines and accessories. This shows us that this mag is a fun pop genre for young, teenage girls. Images of accessories and shoes are also featured on the cover which shows us its a pop magazine because girls who fantasise about shoes and jewellery tend to love pop music.

The main cover image for this magazine is One Direction. They are represented as friendly, smiley boys who give off positive vibes. Their clothes are all colour coded to a certain extent and are quite bright blues and whites. Their attitude is represented as friendly and caring as they are all smiling with their hands and arms on each others shoulders. Their body language gives off positive vibes. By putting One Direction on the cover, this is a major selling point as they're given the title of Biggest Band in the World. This will help to sell more copies which will make more profit and get more people talking about the magazine.

The target audience for this magazine is quite obviously young teenage girls. This is shown by the colours used on the cover and also the advertisements. For example there is an advert for Claire's accessories in the top left hand corner. Claire's accessories is a shop in which mainly teenage girls visit, and by having there advert on the front cover shows to us that the main target audience is teenage girls, as anybody else would not really be interested in this, unless they were buying it for a younger teen girl. The social class is quite difficult to establish for this genre of magazine as you can really only base the class off the price, yet with the price only be set at around £3 or £4, I would guess its for a middle/working class. This is because if it was for higher A class, then the price would be much higher, as people of this class would be able to afford it.

One Direction have been dressed in quite casual looking clothes for the cover of this mag. The colours are all blues, whites and blacks and the props on the cover are mainly shoes and purses. This all implies and shows us that yet again the genre is teenage girls. They have also chosen to select a medium shot of the cover boys, which shows their clothes, up to about hip height, and faces- with a little background. This allows us to see their facial expressions and what their are wearing, which both hold major importance when it comes to media language. The colour scheme for the whole magazine all situates around the 5 boys, especially the bottom poster advertisements as this helps draw peoples attentions in shops as when your eye sees a certain colour, everything else on that page that is the same colour is then picked up by your eye, which means your attention is then drawn all over the page, making you more interested and more likely to buy it. The colours used on the actual mag are all bright and bold colours that stand out a mile off, meaning it will more than likely grab a teenage girls attention as teen girls tend to like bright pinks and yellows. Here, yet again, the colours are helping us to identify what genre and what audience the magazine is and aimed at. The fonts used are all bold and funky fonts. They symbolise fun and silliness, possibly an immature aspect too, which shows that it is for a younger audience rather than an adult one. Also, they use more bolder fonts for main titles and subheadings. This is more than likely because its the most important part of the text, so therefore it will draw your attention first and then you will hopefully want to read more into the smaller text, the isn't as bold, which will give out more information on the 'story', if you like.

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