Friday 18 September 2015

Research and Planning 5 QUESTIONS FILM

In this short film I produced, 5 different questions are asked in the course of it. These questions are along the lines of; What colour scheme would you like on an ideal college magazine?, How much would you like to pay for a college magazine?,  What draws you to a magazine in a local shop?, What information would you like to read about in a college magazine? and What draws you to the cover of a magazine?.

These questions were all answered in this short movie and it will help me with my magazine as now i know what information and layouts/ colours to use in able to get my age range buying my magazine. I also found out how much they would round about like today for a college magazine, which helps me as I now know what price to set it at where theres is a huge chance more students would buy it than wouldn't, as they think its too expensive.

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