Thursday 22 October 2015

Research and Planning CONTENTS PAGE ANALYSIS

The genre of the magazine that this contents page was selected from is quite obviously pop. We can establish this because of the colours, artists featured, photos, stories and fonts. The colours that are used are all bright and bold colours that stand out and draw your attention. They are colours that are out there and in your face, for example there are bright yellows, blues and pinks. These can all be stereotypically be linked to a typical teenage girls magazine. The artists that are in this magazine also give it away as to what genre it's specified at, as the music artists that are inside are mainly all pop artists who all produce a similar sound. The stories and photos included are all about heartbreaks and celebrities. This suggests to us that it is aimed at teenage girls, as they are the gender and age known to go through major heartbreaks and be in love with big name celebs. They enjoy reading about them and their heartbreaks as its  a sense of normality to know somebody famous has gone through the same thing. All this shows us what the genre of this magazine is and who its  specifically aimed at. The fonts used on this contents page and throughout this magazine also help us to fathom the genre.

The way the artists are represented on this specific page of the music magazine also contributes to us knowing the genre. They are presented as happy or pulling funny faces. This hints a spark of immaturity which also links to the target audience of this magazine, it being teenage girls, as as a teenage you are usually still quite immature. The clothes they're dressed in, especially in the main image on this page, are bright coloured and funky unique outfits. This represents happiness and fun as they are loud colours that stand out and create a positive vibe, rather than dark, sinister clothes that create an eerie mood. The artists that are featured include ones such as; The Saturdays, Justin Bieber and One Direction. This shows off the genre of this mag more, as these are all well known pop artists.

The target audience for this magazine could not be presented to us  more clearly, as it is very obviously aimed at young teenage girls who have interests such as; fashion, makeup, celebrities, and of course, music. The social class of the audience of this magazine will more than likely be E-Class, as the majority of people who will buy this magazine will not be working or will just be starting their first job, as of how young they are. This brings us onto the age of the target audience. I think the age of this magazines target audience will be set at something like 8-15 mayb6 maybe, as certain properties and language used would be a little too immature for anybody older. In conclusion to target audience, I think the gender this magazine is aimed at is most defiantly teenage girls. This is very stereotypical but whether a boy buys it or not, it is aimed at girls, as of the colours and story lines used.

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