Thursday 15 October 2015


    ABOVE are 5/8 examples of the questionnaire my classmates filled out.

In the PowerPoint above I have included data from the results of 5/8 questions. I decided to use pie charts to present the information I gathered from them, as I think its easier to gather and read information on them making it more clear. The questions and results I put into pie charts were, 'Are you male or female?', 'How old are you?', 'What genre of music would you like your music magazine to be?', 'How much would you be willing to pay for your ideal music magazine?' and 'What colour scheme would you like on the front cover of your music magazine?'. These were basic, simple answered questions which therefore enabled me to present the answers in pie charts, yet the other four questions I asked weren't as easily done so.

The other 3/8 questions of the questionnaire were these; Who is your favourite artist of your preferred genre?', 'What stories would draw you to the front cover of a music magazine?' and 'Which music artists draw you towards a music magazine in a shop?'. With these questions I found it harder to break them down into a category on a pie chart, so therefore I have uploaded a picture of 5/8 of the sheets above which show some examples of what people wrote in answers to these 3 questions. Some of the answers for 'favourite artist of your preferred genre' were people such as; Ed Sheeran, Martin Garrix, Bring Me The Horizon and Macklemore. In my opinion, I think this is a perfect example of how doing this task has helped me and my work as by finding out who different people like listening to and reading about, I can then try and incorporate them in some way into my magazine, still sticking to my specific genre of pop though! I feel I could do this as in, in these few examples I have listed, there is some certain artists that do not necessarily fit into a certain genre and say people who choose to read a pop magazine, may also like listening to. Examples of these could be artists such as Macklemore or Ed Sheeran.

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