Thursday 22 October 2015

Research and Planning PLAN FOR HALF TERM

Over the half term I intend to keep updating my blog in order to show my commitment. I plan to do some research into some artists of my genre and take a look at there hair and makeup styles, and also their clothing choices. I will aim to come back after half term with three makeup looks, three hair looks and three outfit looks, all suited to my genre. I will talk through them step by step in order to show people how to recreate all 6 looks and also show people where to get similar pieces of clothing from, for a possible cheaper access or cheaper price.

I also plan to take my photos for my magazine, especially my test shots, to help me identify which work best with my model(s) and the magazine itself.

Finally, I aim to show one of my looks either in hair or makeup by video. I plan to do it on time-lapse as therefore the viewer doesn't get bored watching and is still able to recreate the look, but by a way which I think is personally easier to follow. I plan to base either my hair or makeup looks off one of a pop star to show that I am linking it to artists of my genre, therefore, the makeup looks are relevant for my music magazine.

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