Thursday 15 October 2015


My chosen double page spread is clearly from a pop magazine. I know this because of the colours used, the chosen photos, the selective fonts, the main artist and the story present. The colours selected are very girly, them being bright pinks and purples with hints of calming white in there too. These colours represent the pop genre within itself as they are strong bold colours that stand out, which is what pop magazines are usually about. The photos that have been selected all link back to the main story across these two pages, which makes sense, but since this main story is about a pop artist, the images that have been selected to go with this article all relate to pop too. This is as they are all of the main star. The fonts that have been used could be described as sensible but with a spark of funky at the same time. The main title at the top of the page has curves and grooves in it which shows off a little fun, perfect for pop music mags. The main artist in this article is Taylor Swift, who is a well-known pop singer, who is in fact known for dating lots of guys and then writing songs about them or their breakups. This now links in with the title, in which if any young teenager saw, they would more than likely, immediately, think of Taylor. Linking this in with her, the title of the story also draws in a teenage audience, especially girls. When girls turn into teenagers they start to progress with the dating game, so therefore by putting this story in the magazine, it links well with the audience its aimed at and has strong reference to its genre. This helps make more profit as more of the audience would select it, as they may feel the main story is relatable. As this story is such a large one, once you get inside the magazine, it is most probably featured somewhere on the front cover, making a major selling point.

The representation of Taylor Swift is this article is a positive one, especially for the target audience. She is wearing a light purple/lilac dress, with matching earrings and perfect looking makeup. Very girly. She is pictured wearing a half smile, drawing attention to her lips covered in lipstick, linking to makeup again, and her hair is down and simple. This gives off not only a good vibe, as she looks peaceful and calm, but also a normality look/vibe, as this kind of outfit, that she is wearing, and her unoriginal hair style, is easy for a normal teenage girl to recreate. This would make somebody want to pick it up and buy it in the shop, as its relatable. All in all, Taylor Swift is represented in a good light.

The target audience for this magazine and specifically this article is very clear I think. In my opinion, the target audience that this music magazine reaches out to is teenage girls around the ages 8-16/17.  This is because the articles that are featured in the magazine, for example this one, are all things that young teenage girls go through and are interested in, therefore can relate to. It is a very stereotypical view, and possibly sexist, to group it together and say just girls, but with the articles that are featured in this mag, they may not relate to boys as much. For example, when boys go through relationship problems, such as breakups, they usually seem to put more of a hard front on and don't get as emotional as girls tend to. Although these are majority groupings, unfortunately its the way they are presented, especially in the media day today. Therefore by having stories like this, and also colours like these, such as pinks and purples, it is more likely to be aimed at teenage girls. Also, the social class of these young teenage girls that these mags are aimed at will more than likely be E-Class. This is because with the age range that is set on them, roughly like mentioned earlier being around 8-16/17 years old, they will probably not be working, or if they are, will more than likely be in their first job. The prices of these magazines aren't set that high neither, therefore they are affordable for teenagers who may not work, or be earning a decent wage. Another reason why I think the target audience of these types of music magazines are teenagers is because if you were older, and going into your 20s, you wouldn't usually be wanting to be seeking advice from celebs anymore, or reading about teenage relationships that have/are breaking down, you would much rather be reading something more grown up and suited to your age range. Therefore in my opinion, this magazine, and especially this article, is aimed at a target audience of young, 8-16/17 year old, teenage girls, with a social class of E.

The media language used in this article all suit the genre very well. The clothes and props are all specific to the genre and target audience of this glossy magazine, as they are bright and bold colours, girly too, and simple and relatable, as well as following the usual road of a pop mag, where the clothes are also unique and different. The artist in this double page spread is Taylor Swift, who does wear quite plain clothes as it is, so therefore maybe if she was a more bold character, clothing wise, she would be dressed in something a little more stand out and different. The heart graphics at the top of the page have been very clearly placed there, as they not only link with the colours from this article, but also link to the title of it itself, as the whole double page is about love. What better way to present it than with love hearts themselves. The fonts are bold where necessary in this page spread and the size changes with importance to none. For example, the main title of the article here is in big bold letters, yet here they used colours to represent the different words and to show their importance, making the more important words stand out more than the less important. At the bottom of the pages on the right, there is a speech question. Here they have used the same font as on the title, so it still links, but yet this time making all the text black This whilst making it stand out also takes a backseat as, as they're featured it at the bottom it shows its not as important. Yet, on the other hand, they have made all the text black therefore when somebody looks at the title the black in it will bring out the black at the bottom of the page meaning your eyes will divert to there and read it. Also, the shot types used here differentiate as the main image on this article is a medium shot, just above her waist, the other pictures featured are different. There is also a two-shot and a point of view/ mole shot. The mole shot shows her on stage and some of her fans hands around her. This shows that she is the main feature of this picture, just like she is of the article and presents her as the most important person of the image.
The images used in this article all feature Taylor Swift, as it is all about her, yet I was surprised as none of them feature a boy, as the title and whole article is about boys. There is quite a bit of text on this double page spread, but as it is for young teenage girls mainly, it is broken up in the middle twice by two different images, showing her lifestyle in two different ways. This helps keep attention so the audience doesn't feel like they're going to be reading for hours when they first glance at the article. Also, by adding pictures into the middle of the text, it makes a reader want to read it, in order to find out about the pictures and also why they are there.
The language that is used in this double page spread article is more than likely going to be the usual dialect of a young American/British teenager. There will be slang words used  as this is how people of the music magazines target audience talk, it therefore makes it more personal meaning more people will wan tot purchase it, if they are around the target age. Some American slang words may be also featured in here too as the main girl who the story is about is American, but as its in a British magazine the dialect and dialogue of the text will still be understandable for both nationalities. It just means it is able to reach a wider audience and make more profit.

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