Friday 16 October 2015

Research and Planning PODCAST

To create this Podcast I used a programme on the iMac called IShowU, It was very useful as it enabled me to talk about what I've done and also what I'm going to achieve in the few weeks, while also showing it at the same time. This was easier as I could explain and point at the same time.
In the podcast I explain what I have done so far on the media course. I have learnt how to use Adobe Photoshop, a programme which I used to create my college magazine cover, CD tutorial cover, film poster challenge and also the Photoshop challenge. I also learnt how to use InDesign, on which I created my film review and my contents page for my college magazine. I also learnt how to use PhotoBooth to record my 3 interviews on my questions regarding my music magazine, and also GoogleBlogger, as I had never used it before I started the course and now use it to upload everything onto.

I also learnt how to analyse things such as magazine covers, magazine contents pages and double page spreads in detail, referring to all different areas of media. These includes topics such as Genre, where I analyse the photos, artists, colours, stories and fonts featured. Also the representation of say the artists where I would go into detail about the clothes they are wearing and their attitude/facial expressions. The audience, where I analyse my target audience in categories such as age, gender, social class and interests. Also, a quite large one, which is media language. This is where I explain the clothes and props, shot types, colours and font sizes. Then, lastly, the images used and specific language.

I have also made a collage whilst on this course, where I gathered a couple old and new pop magazines (my genre) and cut out images of artists, colours, fonts, graphics and fashion that I wanted to include in my music magazine. I then stuck all of them in a collage layout on an A3 sheet of paper. This helps show what and who my magazine is about and aimed at.
More into the artist element, I have also drawn draft copies of both my magazines which I do before I initially produce the real thing. These help me decide on my layout before the real process begins.
Lastly on what I have completed, I would like to mention the shot type research that I did. These are featured on my blog, and is basically where I gathered three sheets and stuck down 12 different types of shots that I could possibly think of. This will help me to keep the images in my magazine varied in shot types and also hopefully help me to achieve a higher grade in the exam.
Before the end of the course there is still  some aspects need doing. These are things such as; still needing to take pictures to feature in and on the cover of my music magazine, getting my production schedule and production documents filled in and also completing the analyses of the already existing double page spread and the contents page.

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