Wednesday 14 October 2015


ABOVE is the sheet which I sent around the classroom, where each member of my class ticked which font they thought best suited my music magazine genre and target audience.

To create this list of possible font idea for the masthead of my magazine I used Adobe Photoshop and I used to locate and download the fonts I wanted and then I used Photoshop to process them and use them, by typing the masthead title of my music magazine into them, therefore I could see which fonts suited my title the most and also which really didn't.

Once I had decided on which fonts I think looked best for my genre and masthead I printed them out and past the sheet around my classmates. They all then had to select the one they thought best suited  my genre and target audience the best. This enabled me to get a different perspective other than my own as it wouldn't just be me buying my magazine it would also quite obviously be the general public too, therefore I need other peoples opinions so I know which fonts would help my magazine sell successfully.

In conclusion from passing the sheet around the room, the most voted for fonts were number 2 and number 6 (from top to bottom). Personally I quite favoured number 1 and number 2, so therefore the sensible and wisest option is to select font number 2 for the masthead as its a favourite by others and also me.

As a side mark, I used the One Direction font as one of the options. I did this as it links well to my magazine. This is because one of the main artists in/on my magazine are One Direction, therefore by selecting their font as an option for the masthead it shows the genre off well, as they are known to be a pop band. Also, more specifically, a pop band for teenage girls- which is my target audience in particular.

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