Thursday 15 October 2015

Research and Planning INTERVIEWS X3

As part of my audience research and music magazine preparation, I found it important to interview a few different people and find out what their favourite music artists are and also little details, e.g. colour schemes, that seem small but are actually big jobs for a magazine editor. By doing this I found it very helpful all in all as now I know what different people who enjoy different genres like in their music magazines.

You can see the 5 questions I asked above.

The first question I asked was ''What type of music is your favourite?'' I had 3 different responses from this. These being answers such as Alternative, Indie and Rock. Although none of these are relevant to my genre, I still found it interesting to find out what other people who are my age range listen to to maybe incorporate little details of their music genre into  my magazine. This way my magazine may reach more people but still be based around its original genre and audience.

Then the second question I asked my three interviewees was ''What colour scheme would you like in a pop magazine?'' For this I got two different answers, which were both in fact quite opposite, them being dark colours and bright colours. In my opinion dark colours is more a personal favourite rather than a wide spread view as usually in a pop magazine the colours throughout are all bright and bold to capture attention and create a fun happy theme. This suits the genre much better.

 Next, the third question I asked was ''How much would you pay for a music magazine?'' The results for this question came in at around the £3.00 mark and one said £2.99, another £2.00- £5.00 and also £3.00 bang on. I think that all these are reasonable prices for a music magazine, although I think for some magazine I would personally pay more or less depending on the quality and content inside. What I mean by this is for example if the magazine had more information than pictures it should more than likely be worth more money as it has more hard work and content in it rather than a magazine that is mostly images, where not as much time has gone into it. From these interviews I shall probably base the price of my magazine around £3.00 as all 3 interviews agreed and stated individually that this is a good price and that they would pay it for a music magazine, of their choice. One of the interviewees stated that £2.99 would be 'the change you have in your pocket' which I think is a very good point as this means when someone enters a shop, the price of my magazine is affordable without trying, meaning they could buy it anytime without having to remember to bring money out with them to purchase it. This means more copies would sell. 

The fourth question I asked was ''Who is your favourite artist of your preferred genre?'' From this I got many different artists such as Imagine Dragons, Coldplay, Twenty One Pilots and The Gazette. From these options Coldplay and Imagine Dragons fit into my music magazine genre as they are artists that people of my audience may find interest in. The other two artists mentioned by the interviewees don't fit but having their input has helped me to find out what other artists are out there too.

Finally, the fifth question I asked the interviewees was ''What stories would/do you like in your ideal magazine?'' The responses I got from this were; music gossip, lifestyle stories, competitions, gigs and interesting stories about popular artists. All these answers helped me a great deal as I now know what stories and information to include in my magazine. This question was a very important question as whatever answer each person gave, no matter what genre they like/listen to, I can still include the stories they like as say a gig story or a lifestyle story and as I can incorporate it into any genre, just depending on which genre it is the language or story itself may change.

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