Friday 27 November 2015

Research and Planning PLAN FOR WEEK (3)

By the end of next week I hope to have finished all my outstanding planning posts, such as; weather viability for my photo shoots, and my 5 double page spreads (of my genre) analysis. I also hoped to  have completed my costume and props list, my colour scheme research, and my costume research post. I hope to have also started writing my double page spread story, and to have also started to design it- taking inspiration from the existing ones I have analysed on this blog. I also aim to have my second shot list up on here by the end of next week, with the shots on from the female model shoot, just I did for my male model shoot. Although for now, the shot types that were used in the female shoot are all on this blog under the post entitled FEMALE MODEL PHOTOS.

I also hope I will be able to update my blog as far as my social networking twitter page goes. I am in hopes I will get a good response and helpful feedback through it, and I would like to be able to share that on here within the next couple of weeks.

Although I must have all of these completed within in the next week/ fortnight , my absolute main goal is to of course start my magazine within the next few weeks. This means making a start on the contents page, and of course, the main cover. I would like to have this off to a good start before the Christmas Break, as then after Christmas I can just be tidying bits up and pulling everything together.

Research and Planning 5 DOUBLE PAGE SPREADS (MY GENRE)

Research and Planning FEMALE MODEL PHOTOS

(taken on a DSLR camera)

Medium shot - Female model 1

Shows top half of clothing and all of face and hair. Dark background, otherwise would be visible. Chosen because it shows off the correct clothing for my genre, and makeup, and also has a happy, fun expression on her face.

 Close ups - Female models 1 and 2

Only shows faces and part of hair. No background as a close up is mainly used to show facial expressions, where the attention must be kept. Chosen because they are displaying the correct makeup and facial expressions for my magazine genre.


 Long shots - Female models 1 and 2

Shows all clothing, makeup and hair. Background visible, but as flash was used it is still quite dark. As they are long shots the makeup and hair isn't as detailed and clear, but they have still been chosen as the expressions on their faces and the clothing there are wearing meet my specification and costume research, which it states what I wanted my female models to wear.  

 Large Medium/Long shot - Female model 2 

Shows clothing from hips upwards and clear hairstyles. Also shows a lot of background which is fine as its well fitting to my genre, as its white and simple keeping all attention on the outfit and model herself. Chosen because it shoes off well the correctly clothing, that matches perfectly with what I had planned for the female models to wear in my costume research, and she is also smiling and titling her head which is the correct attitude and facial expression to have on my magazine, as they're well suiting to my genre.

 Small medium shot- Female model 2

Shows very top half of body, meaning not a lot of outfit, but brings out details in hair well. As her head is to the side her makeup is not very clear, but as it shows the tops of her shoulders, we can still se the top she is wearing which proves appropriate for my genre of music magazine, meaning it is still ok to use in my magazine, and also meeting my clothing spec, wrote in my costume research. Chosen as it shows off headgear/ hairstyles very well, and the position of her head gives a shadow on the wall making it appear brighter and bringing out the colour of the top more, as the wall is pale and the top is bright.

 Birds eye view angled close up- Female model 2

Shows hair details and makeup look. Also shows a tiny bit of the clothing on the shoulders and a small section of the background. Chosen as it shows the girly hair off very well and makes it clear who the target audience is for my magazine. The colour of the  
clothing and makeup is pinks and purples identifying to the audience its a pop magazine, as that is the genre stereotypical colours.

Close up- Female model 2

Shows hair and makeup details very well, as well as a tiny part of the wall, and a small section of the clothing on the left shoulder. Chosen as the makeup is of the correct colours for my genre, the hair is accurate along with the flower crown, which I had planned for the female models to wear in my costume research, and also the pop of colour from the fraction of clothing you can see, showing off not only audience but also my genre as these are stereotypical colours associated with it.

Medium shot- Female model 2

Shows full top half of clothing, and hair details relatively. Not very good at showing makeup details, but as you can still see the outfit details, that doesn't matter. Background is in full view, and as flash was used, the colour of the wall is illuminated even more, making the colour of the jumper the model is wearing stand out more. Chosen as it shows the colour of the top well, which are the stereotypical colours for my genre of music mag.

Medium shot- Female model 2

Shows top half of costume well and details of hair decoration. Not very good at showing makeup, but in this shot it is unneeded as we have the hair and clothing to back up my pop genre well. The background is dark yet still visible, although when I am editing this photo in the near future, I will make sure to lighten it before putting it onto my magazine, as I feel the colour contrast is far too dark for a bright and colourful magazine genre like mine. Chosen as not only are the clothing and hair representing the genre and audience well, but also the pose. This is as teenage girls are stereotypically known for messing with their hair, which is what my model has been captured doing, this represents my audience well as it is in fact teenage girls.

Medium shot - Female model 1

Shows all 3 main objectives off, which are; the hair, the makeup and the clothing. It is showing the pink fluffy jumper, the girly eye makeup and the long flowing hair. As its a medium shot it does show off a little background, but yet not as much as others, as I decided to go a little different for this image and make it portrait rather than landscape. This is just to keep my magazine varied in photos and images. Chosen as it shows off the girly colour of the clothing, the glittery eye shadow, which all girls stereotypically love, and also the long natural wavy hair, which most teenage girls (my target audience) want.


For my social networking I have decided to create a twitter page for my magazine, called @bubblegumMag. On this page I have been asking questions in a questionnaire form typed tweets, where the general public and anybody who views my account can answer anonymously what they their opinion is on the question asked. All the questions are things relating to my music magazine. I have too posted a link to this blog in the description of the page, on the page so that it enables anybody willing to buy my magazine, once it comes out, can view the process of it being made and all the decision, progress and thought process that does/will go into making it.
So far I have asked my followers ''Which one of the following artists gigs should I review?'' with the answer options being; One Direction, Little Mix or the Vamps. The second question I have asked so far is ''Do you agree £2.50 is a reasonable price for a fortnightly pop magazine? where the answer options were either yes or no. The final question asked so far is ''Which bright colour scheme do you think would fit best throughout my pop magazine? where you had to pick one of the following scheme of 3; Pink,Orange,Blue, Pink,Yellow,Purple, or Pink,Green,Turquoise. I have had some responses so far which is promising and have gained a few followers before the night was up.
Once I have asked more questions, which will be within the next couple of weeks, I will be posting the responses. As you can see here, it shows me how much percentage a certain answer option has got and after 24 hours the question time is up, and the results are counted. This is good timing as I don't have to therefore wait ages for audience feedback. The main reason I have created this twitter page is in order to get feedback on my magazine by the general public, specifically my target audience, as they will be the ones who will be purchasing it.

Below are some screenshots of what my twitter page looks like.


Research and Planning COLOUR SCHEME RESEARCH

As part of my additonal research for my music magazine, I decided to give 3 examples of possible colour schemes that will run throughout. I selected these colours individually and joined them to another two colours to create 3 different options.

I chose these 9 colours and put them into these specific 3's as I feel that all 9 are appropraite colours for a pop magazine, which mine is. Also, they are all bold and stand out colours, which is too an important feature for my music magazine. When choosing which colours should go with which, it took some thought, as I wanted to be sure they all coordanated with eachother well, and of course as they are all bright and bold, that none of them clashed.

The final swatch will be chosen by me, but I have also included my auidence in the process of selection. I have done this by running a poll on my social networking page, which is a twitter page, which they have the quesion and all 3 options as answers, of which they can only pick one. Of course when it comes to making the final decision, even though I will be making it, I will be taking into consideration my audiences opnions as its them who I am selling it to, and too who will eventually be the purchasers.


This is my new drawn draft of my double page spread. Since my last one I received some audience feedback which then resulted in me drawing up a new one, which has now been shaped by my audience's feedback. I decided to do this as I feel its important for the audience to like my double page spread, as its the main story and their selling point, therefore it needs to be as much as they want it as I can get it, which is why I drew this new one up.
On this new one you can see the main title in the top left hand corner, the main image on the right page, little quotations mid text, the blocks of colour at the top, which will be the three colours eventually chosen out of my 3 possible colour schemes, and also a block of a mix of several images of the artists who the story is about. I have also labelled where the story starts and ends, but this wont actually be featured on the real one, as it will be obvious once the story has been written.

Thursday 26 November 2015


This is my production documentation where I documented each day of shooting, the estimated start times and finish times, and the details of editing completed. This helped me work out where I was up to whenever I was doing the next shoot or going to edit more photos.

Research and Planning SHOOTING SCHEDULE

Pictured above is my shooting schedule.

In my shooting schedule I have wrote down the shooting date, when it has been rescheduled, the location of where the shoot has taken place (which can also be viewed on my location Recces), the estimated times of shoot calls and wraps, and whether it was 100% confirmed or provisional.


For males:

This is the outfits my male model will be wearing on my music magazine. I have decided to have them wearing all denim as I think its very relevant, as its coming back into fashion, and also very simple. This is a good quality for the clothing for males to have as it keeps it cool but still has a slight edge to it.

I chose his denim jacket for not only the style but the colour too. As my male model has dark brown hair its good to keep the clothing dark too. The jacket I selected (to the left) is a very dark denim all over, there is no hint of a light colour as I feel light denim may wash him out a little. I also decided on this jacket as I think the style of it is quite trendy and has a bit of edge to it. As you can see on the picture this jacket has a thick collar, and as said in my pose research post, I wanted my model to be holding his collar up on at least one of the pictures. By having my model wearing this jacket, it enables him to do that.

I have also selected a plain white T-shirt for my male model to wear. I chose this item as I feel its very simple and will also keep all attention on the face/pose. I wanted my male model to be in simple clothes as that's how most male pop stars are dressed, linking to the artists of my genre. The plain white also keeps a lot of attention on the dark blue colour of the denim which will catch more eyes.

Finally for the clothing of my male model in my music magazine, I have chosen dark denim jeans. In the image to the right, it shows fairly baggy jeans, but I will not be having them dress in just baggy, I will be using skinny as well. For the jeans I chose a similar colour denim to the jacket as I feel its important to have coordination in clothing, especially on magazines. Its all to do with where the eyes of the public are automatically drawn. I also would like gold buttons on the denim as I think it represents wealth, which pop stars usually are and looks polished.
For the shoes, for the male model, I will have them wearing either traditional black pumps or brown Chelsea boots. I have chosen the black pumps as an option as I feel they are keeping in the simple look, that is running throughout all of my male models chosen clothing. Also, by having pumps as a footwear option, it stops a colour restrcition, as pumps come in all different colours not just black, so they can therefore be used to add a splash of colour to a plain look, if were to use a bright coloured pump.

I also chose Chelsea boots as an option for the male footwear as I feel they are very simple but effective at the same time. this is because they are usually just a plain colour, but do usually have a little bit of a funky pattern on that makes them stand out. When deciding on this item of footwear I took inspriartion from a popstar, Harry Styles. He is constantly seen wearing them in his own time and also in performances. This shows it is a popular and current piece of footwear for males seen as though people from my music mag genre are spotted wearing them.

For females:

This is the outfits my female model will be wearing on my music magazine. I have decided to have them wearing simple pink jumpers as I think its very girly, as are quite in fashion at the moment, and also represent females on a whole very well. This is a good portrayal for the clothing the females will be wearing, as it keeps it stereotypical but still has a slight uniqueness to it.
For the females first item I have chosen a baby pink, fluffy jumper as I feel this reflects a stereotypical pop girl perfectly. It is simple and plain but still very effective at the same time. It reflects girliness and gives off positive 
vibes, as its a bright colour and not a dark, dull colour, that is often used 
to portray sadness and moodiness.
For the next item of femles clothing I choose a similar top look to the first one,another pink jumper, as yet again it is in fashion. Although this one is a little different to the first, as it has short sleeves and is a much brighter pink. As it's brighter it represents even more of my genres stereotypical colours.


Research and Planning PODCAST 2

To create this Podcast I used a programme on the iMac called IShowU, I found it very useful as it enabled me to talk about what I've done and also what I am planning to do and going to achieve in the next few weeks. I found it helpful as whilst I'm talking about it, I can show what I am talking about and explainging at the same time. This made it easier to exaplin my blog and how it is develpoing as I am adding more to it.

Research and Planning PUBLICATION PLAN

Thursday 19 November 2015

Research and Planning COSTUME RESEARCH

As part of some additional research for my blog I decided to research into what the main celebrities of my music genre typically wear on a magazine cover. The artist I chose was One Direction. I chose them as they are the biggest band in the world, therefore the biggest I could get in my genre, as they are known as a pop band. If I could choose to put any artist on a pop magazine cover it would be One Direction, as they are so popular with people of my target audeince and everybody knows them, therefore they are a huge selling point. Based off this I decided to pick them as the artist I will base my costume/outfits off, espcially for my male model(s).

On the images above it shows all the boys in basic, plain coloured clothes. These pictures are taken from several different photoshoots at different points in their career, as you can see the look older on some, yet on all of them their outfits are pretty much the same. They are wearing plain tops, pants and cardians, with the odd bit of denim, and basic black pumps and boots. From doing this research I learned that males do not have to wear big, bright and bold fancy clothing on a magazine, even if it is a pop magazine, as long as they have a dash of colour somewhere that stands out in some way. 

From looking at the images above I can see that they are dressed in a lot of blue. This could possibly be because they are boys, as blue is the sterotypical boy colour. As well as this, white t-shirts come up on every picture, meaning this is a main aspect of a male pop artists outfit. Also, they too wear a lot of denim, whether it be jeans, jackets or the odd waistcoat. Finally for my analysation, I realsied they also wear either black pumps or chelsea boots. this could be to keep all attention on the outfit, as you rarely look at feet, unless they are modeling stand out shoes, which wouldn't be suitable for a male mdoel to wear, espcially for a pop magazine. It would not create the right image at all.

Once I came to this realsiation, I decided to dress my male model(s) in plain white T-shirts, jeans and the off denim jacket. For the feet I wwent with the same as One Direction, either black/ a another plain colour pumps, and/ or Chelsea boots. I felt this was the right desion as it is how One Direction are nromally dressed for the same thing, therefore if they still sell well with these clothes, my model shluld sell well with the same clothes being worn.

Research and Planning SERIF VS. SANS SERIF

In order to make sure I use the correct fonts on my double page spread, and throughout the rest of my music magazine, I did a little researched into appropriate and innapproaite fonts. By doing this research I found out typical fonts to use on double page spreads are Serif and Sans-Serif. 

I found that usually on double page spreads the font Serif is normally used when typing out an interview, or the main article. This is in the main body of text, not the title! By using the title font, Sans-Serif in the main body of text on a double page spread it lowers standards of professionality, and craetes a more childlike creator look, rather than a mature magazine creater look.

Now, for the title, the font Sans-Serif is typically used. This is only to be used on a main title or subtitle, not the main body. By using it in the main body it does not look professional and is the complete incorrect font to use. By using Sans-Serif on titles it enables it to stand out and grab attention, whereas if you were to use Serif your title wouldn't stand out as much and therefore wouldn't grib people. This would decrease the selling point of your magazine.

Research and Planning PLAN FOR WEEK (2)

During the next week I plan to find some images of clothes that I will be dressing my models in for my costume research, and have them evaluated. I also plan to take pictures of my female model, and me, and upload them onto my blog reaady to go on my magazine. I plan to do this by lending a camera from college and taking them at my chosen location, different from the location I previously used on the male model. I also plan to start my social networking page which I will use to promote my magazine and get a little audience feedback on what I have done so far, aswell as uplaoding a 2nd location recce, risk assessment, model relase form and shot list. I will also be uploading my shooting schedule and weather viability for shooting dates. I also plan to have my second podcast up on my blog, expalinging what I have done so far since the last one. Finally, I plan to have 5 double page spreads of my music mag genre up on my blog, and have them all evaluated, as well as a post on appropraite fonts, for example, Serif and Sans Serif.

Friday 13 November 2015

Research and Planning PRODUCTION SCHEDULE

This is my production schedule so far. As you can see the majority of it is all highlighted green signalling that I've completed these tasks but there are two in red. These are my costume and props and my publication plan. Sadly, I did not managed to get these finished in the time given but I will continue to work on them until they are done to the best the can be. Once they are done to a good standard I will upload them onto my blog so they can be viewed.

In this picture of my production schedule you can see there is three different colours dotted around. I have created an easy to follow key located in the bottom left hand corner where you can identify what the colours all mean. I have put into the chart the initials of the days of the week and the week commencing's, therefore you can see exactly which dates I competed certain posts an d which weeks I was on. I have also highlighted the holidays in which I wasn't in college, therefore not as many/ no blog posts were posted in that time.

Research and Planning CHANGES AND WHY

I have decided to make a few minor alterations to my magazine and this is why.

I have decided that to suit my older section of my target audience, for the main story I will use some colours that may not be bright and bold. They may be more mature colours such as gold's and silvers. This is because I have to cater for all sections of my audience, and these are still stand out colours but just do not hold the brightness that stereotypical pop colours do.

Also the facial expressions of some of the models may not all be happy and smiling. I have decided to go down a more edgy route in this particular section as I want my audience and readers to feel something and for my music mag to hold hidden meaning. The facial expressions may be quite serious at times, not al the time, but at times. This is because when teenagers are growing up they go through a range of emotions, so therefore by having models that aren't always smiley and happy it shows teenagers that they can cry and be serious at times as well as having fun and laughing.

Sometimes the clothing may be quite plain, especially on the cover boy. This is as a males don't usually wear bold stand out clothing but I want males to still feature in my music magazine, even though its for girls, as it shows variety. The clothing on them may be quite simple at times but I will still be linking my genre into it completely. For example, on the cover boy I will have him wearing jewellery a few times and also denim, as his is what my main story is about. This shows boys can like fashion too and denim is usually quite bright blues therefore I am still including the brightness just maturing it up a little for the older section of my target audience to enjoy also, not jus the younger. It is important that all sections take interest in  my magazine as the more people the more profit and if I do it to suit a more mature audience they are more than likely to have a little job going as well as college/university, therefore it is up to them whether they buy it themselves, so it has to suit them and grab their attention just as much.

Apart from these changes, my magazine is staying as bright and bold as it can get and full of pop gloss for gossiping teenage girls!

Thursday 12 November 2015

Research and Planning ALL PHOTOGRAPHS AND WHY

I have chosen to use this photograph on/in my magazine for a number of reasons, varying from the correct colour options, to the suitable clothing, and also to the perfect makeup/look. The colours used in this photo are very captivating, which is just what is needed in a pop magazine. Some may argue that they are not the correct colours to have in a young girls pop magazine, but what they forget is there is also an older audience of teenage girls who my magazine applies to who may not necessarily want big bright bold colours all the way through, and may want some a little more grown up and suited to their age. I want my music magazine to suit all ages of my target audience, not just the younger section.

Also the clothing is very accurate for my magazine in this photograph. A plain white top, with the odd aspect of jewellery. Although it is a boy covering my magazine, the fact that he is wearing jewellery shows that the mag is appropriate for females. My main target audience for my music magazine is girls, therefore to have a cover that looks as though it is solely aimed at males would be completely wrong and inaccurate. However this image portrays and puts across the correct image.

The makeup and look on this photograph is perfect for my genre. This is because the makeup is fresh and natural looking meaning its easy for girls of my target audience to recreate. Also, the facial expression is serious but curious. This represents young girls emotions, and therefore has a hidden meaning.




Research and Planning EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE



                                     DSLR                                                    Nikon D3100

My main source of equipment is most certainly the iMac. This is because I will not only produce my music magazine on here, but I will also carry almost every other step out on it. This includes things such as uploading the photos, creating and updating my blog, and researching certain aspects areas I help to create my music magazine to its full potential.

I will also be using a DSLR camera to take my model head shots, my auditioning shots and my SLR shots. I will not be using this camera to take the main model shots, as this was a shoot done in my own time so this camera wasn't used.

On set for the shoot in my own time I used a Nikon D3100 camera. This allowed me to take a variation of shots in different locations and with a range of backgrounds.


I will be using to select and download the appropriate fonts for my music magazine. By using this website, and not just the regular fonts on Photoshop, I am allowing myself to make sure that I don't have the same fonts as other people on my magazine. By having more unique fonts, I am grabbing and gaining interest, and with that, creating excitement to anyone reading as they won't have seen it before.
I will also be using the software Adobe Photoshop on the iMac. I will be using this programme to not only Photoshop and edit my photos, fonts and texts, but also to create my finished and finalised music magazine. This is the programme where it will all be put together and created. I am using this software as I find it relatively easy to use. Personally, I find that very professional looking pieces come out of it, if it is used to its full potential, and as I would like my finished music magazine to look professional, I think this is 100% the correct programme to use.

Reszearch and Planning AUDITION OF MODELS

In order for my music magazine to be successful I thought it was very important to have the correct models representing it. To make sure this happened I decided to hold an audition process where I took shots of 5 different models. By doing this I managed to choose my correct models that, in my opinion, represent my magazine genre and target audience fully. In order to do this the models had to look fun and happy, portraying positive vibes, and wear bright colours and a more natural makeup with brighter colours, rather than a dark eye. The fashion had to be bright and fun, not dark and dull. For girls it had to be unique and pop with colours, and for boys plain white with lots of bold denim.
The model in picture one (top left) is snapped wearing a snapback, baggy hoody and a backpack. This is the incorrect look for my music magazine as the snapback adds an edge, which isn't relevant. The clothing colours used are all plain and dull, meaning there is no colour to link to my genre of pop. I decided not to use this model as I didn't think he was suitable for my magazine.
The model in picture two (top right) is captured wearing very dark colours and many piercings. Variation is good in a magazine, so having a model with piercings may encourage individuality, but for my genre, and possible younger percentage of my target audience, they may not be an accurate reflection of my pop genre, and therefore not fit correctly with my mag.  Also, the dark clothing does not fit correctly with my magazine and neither does the makeup, as they're both too dark based and don't portray the correct vibes.
Now, the model in picture three (bottom left) holds some aspects that would be appropriate for a pop magazine, but mainly ones that wouldn't. Starting with the appropriate aspect, the hair. Her hair is a pale blue pixie cut, identifying it as pop colour, meaning it suits well to my magazine. If every other aspect worked as well as this she would be the perfect model for my magazine, but it unfortunately that isn't the case. The clothing she has chosen to wear are not suitable for my music magazine as, like the others, the colours are too dark. This type of clothing look I think would personally work better in a rock magazine, or possibly rap, as they portray a more darker tone, which those genre music magazines tend to have. Unfortunately mine is a pop magazine, which means this look is not appropriate, and therefore for that reason, I did not use her as one of my models.
Finally, the model in picture four (bottom right) was suitable for my magazine. She was dressed in the correct colours, along with having the correct makeup and also, importantly, the correct facial expression showing that she is happy creating positive vibes.