Thursday 19 November 2015

Research and Planning SERIF VS. SANS SERIF

In order to make sure I use the correct fonts on my double page spread, and throughout the rest of my music magazine, I did a little researched into appropriate and innapproaite fonts. By doing this research I found out typical fonts to use on double page spreads are Serif and Sans-Serif. 

I found that usually on double page spreads the font Serif is normally used when typing out an interview, or the main article. This is in the main body of text, not the title! By using the title font, Sans-Serif in the main body of text on a double page spread it lowers standards of professionality, and craetes a more childlike creator look, rather than a mature magazine creater look.

Now, for the title, the font Sans-Serif is typically used. This is only to be used on a main title or subtitle, not the main body. By using it in the main body it does not look professional and is the complete incorrect font to use. By using Sans-Serif on titles it enables it to stand out and grab attention, whereas if you were to use Serif your title wouldn't stand out as much and therefore wouldn't grib people. This would decrease the selling point of your magazine.

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