Friday 27 November 2015

Research and Planning COLOUR SCHEME RESEARCH

As part of my additonal research for my music magazine, I decided to give 3 examples of possible colour schemes that will run throughout. I selected these colours individually and joined them to another two colours to create 3 different options.

I chose these 9 colours and put them into these specific 3's as I feel that all 9 are appropraite colours for a pop magazine, which mine is. Also, they are all bold and stand out colours, which is too an important feature for my music magazine. When choosing which colours should go with which, it took some thought, as I wanted to be sure they all coordanated with eachother well, and of course as they are all bright and bold, that none of them clashed.

The final swatch will be chosen by me, but I have also included my auidence in the process of selection. I have done this by running a poll on my social networking page, which is a twitter page, which they have the quesion and all 3 options as answers, of which they can only pick one. Of course when it comes to making the final decision, even though I will be making it, I will be taking into consideration my audiences opnions as its them who I am selling it to, and too who will eventually be the purchasers.

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