Friday 6 November 2015

Research and Planning HAIR LOOKS


To begin this look I started off by sectioning off the front 
section of the hair, and then tying the rest behind into a bobble. 
This helps to keep the rear section of your hair out of the way 
and secures it not coming into contact with the front section 
and becoming entwined. 

Next, I separated the front section of the hair into two and then two 
again, equal quarters, and began to plait all the four sections individually. 
Once all four sections were individually plaited, I put them into pairs
next to each other and joined them up, by placing one on top of the 
other and spiralling them up into a small bun.
Once spiralled up into the bun, next I placed roughly around 4-5 grips
around the bun gripping it in place, enabling it to be secure and safe as 
to not fall out. Then, I repeated this again on the other side (with the 
other two plaits).
Once the buns were completed I then untied the bobble holding the
hair at the back of the head and began straightening the rest of the
hair. When I had straightened the hair to the amount I was happy with, 
I separated it into two sections at the back and brought both forward on 
each side of my head.

Once the previous step was completed, this look was finished. 


This image shows an smaller version of an birds eye view/ aerial shot. 
I chose to take a photo of the look from above as I feel its important 
to know what it looks like from more angles than one.


For this look I decided to create a video instead of step by step. I did this as not everybody learns well following step by step instructions and I want everybody o be able to recreate at least one look. Therefore I created this to show people who learn faster by watching a video, how to create this look. I set it into time-lapse mode, therefore, it doesn't go on forever but still teaches those who learn easier this way, how to reciprocate this look.


Above is an image of the finished look. This shows people what they should aim for theirs to look like if they follow the video correctly.

If you decide to recreate this look feel free to choose whichever colour of ribbon you want for your bow, if you want to add one. I chose a bright pink as it is the stereotypical 'girls favourite colour', and as my magazine audience is mainly females I thought it was very appropriate.


To start this look I, again, sectioned off the front part and middle parts
of the hair and tied the back into a bobble to avoid any intertwining.

After I did this, I then separated the front section into just two 
this time. I did this straight down the middle to make sure both
sections had the same amount of hair, as if they didn't, this look
wouldn't work as well.

Once both sections were as equal as I could get them, I selected
one at a time and carefully placed it behind each ear, gripping it
in place and the back of the head, right at the bottom.
Once both pieces of hair are securely gripped at the bottom of the head, then select the second piece of hair you bobbled (the middle section), give it a brush/comb, and then begin plaiting it left to right or right to left, whichever you find easiest.
Then once you've reached the end of your plait, keep on plaiting! Do this until there is no hair left to plait and then bobble it. TIP: Use a thin bobble as it will look neater and hold the hair for longer!
Once you've tied the bobble grab a grip and take the end of your plait. Turn and curl it upwards until it sits at the top of your ear. Grip this in place next to your ear and then grip again at the top of your head, but with a smaller grip this time, if you have one, as this will make it less obvious and make it appear more natural.

For the completed look simply grab yours curlers/ curling wand and lightly curl the edges. u don't want the curls to be too strong as they will take all attention away from the plait, which is not what you want to do! Once the edges are all curled you are finished and free to enjoy it!!


 As part of my additional research I decided to look into artists of my genre stereotypically have their hair. Whilst part way through this research I came across female pop superstar Ariana Grande. In my opinion she is the stereotypical pop princess in everyway, including things such as; her hair, her makeup and her dress sense.. By coming to this conclusion I decided to base my 3 hair looks off some of her past and present ones. I decided to stick with Ariana as I feel she is a role model to the majority of my target audience, including both the younger half and the older half.

The first look was two 'Hun Buns' on each side of the head with he rest of hair straightened and down. The buns are more detailed than usual in this look so I decided this would be a good look to recreate as my magazine and I are all about being unique.

The second look is a form of part up and part down, but with a twist. In this image Ariana ties the part up and part down with her hair, instead of the usual bobble, and its scraped into its pony. The rest of her hair is then down and curled at the ends. Although I did reciprocate this look, I fairly adapted it by not having the hair wrapped around the pony, but instead, having a pink bow as I think this is relevant to my genre of music mag, as its pop and a bright pink bow suits immensely. Not only this, but a hair tie can be very intricate and hard to achieve and therefore f I was to recreate this perfectly the younger aspect of my target audience may not be able to appeal to it, therefore I made the look simpler than all sections of my target audience can enjoy recreating it.

The final look was a full plait across the head, the rest of the hair down and curled again. I created this look basically how it is on this image of Grande, accept once I got to the end of the plait I carried on and then twisted it up, so for part it looked like a double plait. (Images of this can be seen above).This look is semi intricate but easy to do as long as you can plait, which almost everyone can. If you cannot plait then there is an easier option. In high street stores such as Claire's accessories, you can find plait hairbands that you can place onto your head and into your hair in its place, and so long as you select and purchase the correct hair colour to match your own, nobody will known any different.
All these looks are very individual but all very girly in their own way. This is the perfect representation of my music magazines target audience as its originally for females.

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