Wednesday 4 November 2015

Research and Planning MAKEUP LOOKS

Throughout this course I have been considering which makeup looks to produce for my music magazine. The genre of my magazine is pop, therefore the makeup for it has to be colourful and bold, and have the capability to stand out. In order to do this successfully I created three different makeup looks that are all very different but still all suit the genre well. 


For the first look I used a mix of blue and green eye shadows. I blended them in with turquoise and the odd spark of shimmer.

I started off my laying a green base onto my eyelid and blending it in with my finger, making it less bright and in your face. Then, I grabbed a mix of different shades of blues and applied them in different sections of my eyelids. Next, I blended them all together with a turquoise eye shadow, beginning in the middle of my eyelid and working slightly outwards, only a little though as I wanted the effect of the colour being blended out and have the effect of the ocean. 
 For the lips I started off with a baby orange tone and then blended it in with a baby pink. This created a nude look which I thought perfect for this look as with eye makeup this stand out and bold, all the attention needs to be kept on the eyes. 

 I also used a blue eyeliner to outline the bottom of my eyes, along with a green, still sticking to the theme of the ocean and mythical sea creatures. I then applied black mascara, quite thinly, and also on the bottom lashes to keep some attention on the lashes and not all on the eyeliner on the lash line.

Also for this look I used a light bronze contour, with slightly pink cheeks. I kept the foundation and contour quite simple, as previously stated- the attention must be kept on the eyes. I too highlighted the top of my cheeks to give it a little shimmer, linking to fish and creatures such as mermaids from the ocean. 

In my opinion I think this look is very well suited to my magazine genre and audience as many young girls have all dreamt of being a mermaid at some point. The colours in this look are all  bold and beautiful making it perfect for a pop mag, as a pop magazine always has a bright colour scheme.


 For the second look 'bronze shimmer', I used more neutral colours that still stand out but are not as bold. This relates and appeals to the more mature side of my target audience, which is maybe 15-22 year olds. For this reason, this is a good look to include in my pop magazine as many girls of this age will probably be purchasing this magazine for themselves as they will be E-Class, meaning they will more than likely have a small job, therefore its their choice whether to buy the mag or not. If I include makeup that I feel appeals to an audience who doesn't have to persuade their parents to buy the magazine, it should therefore sell more copies which will earn more profit.

 To begin on this look I started with the eyes. First of all I selected a light brown shade and covered my whole eyelid with it smoothly. Then I began applying a heavier brown shimmer into the crease of the eyelid, making the eye appear more shaped and tonal. Next I grabbed a more bronze coloured shadow with a hint of gold and silver shimmer evened into it, and started to blend it into the middle of the eyelid, working upwards to the top of the eye crease. In completion for the eyes, I selected a beige gold shimmer pigment and lightly tapped it onto the eyelid. I applied some new mascara, a little thicker this time, an then the eyes were complete!

 For the rest of the face, I applied a light amount of foundation but went a little darker with the contour this time. I thought it would be more effective and bring the eye shadow out a little more if I produced it to be more noticeable. This is because the contour and the eye shadow (s) I used in this look are quite similar in colour. I still kept to a tiny bit of pink blush, as having colour in the cheeks creates a healthier look, and also kept to the previous shimmer on the cheeks, in order to highlight the cheekbones and make them stand out.
 Finally for the lips I used a light pink lip gloss with a slight shimmer to it. This created a simple look for the lips and kept all attention on the eyes, like in look number one!


 This is my personal favourite out of all three looks. This is because I feel out of all of them this one represents a pop magazine the best, in areas such as; colours, brightness, boldness, mood etc. It creates the image in your head that its something fun and exciting. The colours used are what are stereotypically a girls favourite (pinks and purples) therefore it represents my genre of music magazine very well! Another reason of why I love this look so much is because I feel it appeals and relates to all ages of my chosen genre and target audience, possibly because of the name mature Barbie. I decided to name it this as I think it relates to Barbie quite a lot which I think young girls can identify with and would usually look for in a magazine, talking around the age of 8-10 year olds. On the other hand it also identifies with the older section of my target audience as it hints at a mature element, meaning that girls aged from 11-22 can also enjoy this music magazine, and its not just for little girls.
 For the eyes on this look I used many different purples with a strip of eyeliner and loads of mascara. To create it, the first step I took was selecting the specific purple I wanted to be the main focus of the eyelid, which was a bright lilac. The idea around this look was to create Barbie's twin- but with a twist! I layered my chosen colour along the majority of the eyelid, giving it a base coat before selecting the next shade shadow, which was pink! I smudged the pink around the end of the eye and began in towards the middle. This created a perfect blend for the eye before I started on my next colour, which was an even darker purple, yet still bright! I brushed this all over the eye before selecting a smidge of silver toned shimmer and lightly tapping it on the eyelid. I then went over the whole eyelid again in the first and third purples, blended together. Then, I grabbed my black eyeliner and drew on the wings before adding some along the lining of my lid and filling in the flick. Finally, to finish off the eye, I took my darkest thickest mascara and applied lots of it to the eyelashes, both top and bottom. This creates a hint of fake-ness, which is what Barbie is deceivingly known for. I then used what was left off of my eye shadow brush and lightly applied a little purple to the eyelashes while they were still wet, helping it all to compliment nicely.
In my opinion, the eyeliner is the perfect final touch for the look as it creates a hint of maturity and also definition for the eye. As it's jet black it helps the purples stand out even more and makes the eyelashes appear longer and more fuller.

For the lips I started by using a darker shade of pink lipstick to line my lips and apply the first coat with. I then dabbed it out to make it appear lighter and less sloppy in order to then apply the next lip coat, the bright pink. I selected this colour as I thought it contrasts with the eyes effectively and also gives it the Barbie look. I gave the lips a few coats of the pink colouring and then applied a matt finish, before giving the lips one final rub, and one final dab.

*TIP: Dabbing helps make the lips appear less sticky and more professional, as it creates a matt texture and will more than likely stay on longer!

Finally the skin. For this look I yet again kept the foundation light and simple. I still contoured as you are trying to create the 'doll' look, you need your cheekbones and other facial features looking stand out and flawless. I still kept the contour quite mild though as the bush was the main feature for the face here. I applied lots of pink blusher to give more colour to the cheeks and create the perfect Barbie doll look. The colour on the cheeks almost matches the colour of the lips, which collaborates nicely creating a girly completion.

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