Thursday 19 November 2015

Research and Planning COSTUME RESEARCH

As part of some additional research for my blog I decided to research into what the main celebrities of my music genre typically wear on a magazine cover. The artist I chose was One Direction. I chose them as they are the biggest band in the world, therefore the biggest I could get in my genre, as they are known as a pop band. If I could choose to put any artist on a pop magazine cover it would be One Direction, as they are so popular with people of my target audeince and everybody knows them, therefore they are a huge selling point. Based off this I decided to pick them as the artist I will base my costume/outfits off, espcially for my male model(s).

On the images above it shows all the boys in basic, plain coloured clothes. These pictures are taken from several different photoshoots at different points in their career, as you can see the look older on some, yet on all of them their outfits are pretty much the same. They are wearing plain tops, pants and cardians, with the odd bit of denim, and basic black pumps and boots. From doing this research I learned that males do not have to wear big, bright and bold fancy clothing on a magazine, even if it is a pop magazine, as long as they have a dash of colour somewhere that stands out in some way. 

From looking at the images above I can see that they are dressed in a lot of blue. This could possibly be because they are boys, as blue is the sterotypical boy colour. As well as this, white t-shirts come up on every picture, meaning this is a main aspect of a male pop artists outfit. Also, they too wear a lot of denim, whether it be jeans, jackets or the odd waistcoat. Finally for my analysation, I realsied they also wear either black pumps or chelsea boots. this could be to keep all attention on the outfit, as you rarely look at feet, unless they are modeling stand out shoes, which wouldn't be suitable for a male mdoel to wear, espcially for a pop magazine. It would not create the right image at all.

Once I came to this realsiation, I decided to dress my male model(s) in plain white T-shirts, jeans and the off denim jacket. For the feet I wwent with the same as One Direction, either black/ a another plain colour pumps, and/ or Chelsea boots. I felt this was the right desion as it is how One Direction are nromally dressed for the same thing, therefore if they still sell well with these clothes, my model shluld sell well with the same clothes being worn.

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