Friday 27 November 2015

Research and Planning FEMALE MODEL PHOTOS

(taken on a DSLR camera)

Medium shot - Female model 1

Shows top half of clothing and all of face and hair. Dark background, otherwise would be visible. Chosen because it shows off the correct clothing for my genre, and makeup, and also has a happy, fun expression on her face.

 Close ups - Female models 1 and 2

Only shows faces and part of hair. No background as a close up is mainly used to show facial expressions, where the attention must be kept. Chosen because they are displaying the correct makeup and facial expressions for my magazine genre.


 Long shots - Female models 1 and 2

Shows all clothing, makeup and hair. Background visible, but as flash was used it is still quite dark. As they are long shots the makeup and hair isn't as detailed and clear, but they have still been chosen as the expressions on their faces and the clothing there are wearing meet my specification and costume research, which it states what I wanted my female models to wear.  

 Large Medium/Long shot - Female model 2 

Shows clothing from hips upwards and clear hairstyles. Also shows a lot of background which is fine as its well fitting to my genre, as its white and simple keeping all attention on the outfit and model herself. Chosen because it shoes off well the correctly clothing, that matches perfectly with what I had planned for the female models to wear in my costume research, and she is also smiling and titling her head which is the correct attitude and facial expression to have on my magazine, as they're well suiting to my genre.

 Small medium shot- Female model 2

Shows very top half of body, meaning not a lot of outfit, but brings out details in hair well. As her head is to the side her makeup is not very clear, but as it shows the tops of her shoulders, we can still se the top she is wearing which proves appropriate for my genre of music magazine, meaning it is still ok to use in my magazine, and also meeting my clothing spec, wrote in my costume research. Chosen as it shows off headgear/ hairstyles very well, and the position of her head gives a shadow on the wall making it appear brighter and bringing out the colour of the top more, as the wall is pale and the top is bright.

 Birds eye view angled close up- Female model 2

Shows hair details and makeup look. Also shows a tiny bit of the clothing on the shoulders and a small section of the background. Chosen as it shows the girly hair off very well and makes it clear who the target audience is for my magazine. The colour of the  
clothing and makeup is pinks and purples identifying to the audience its a pop magazine, as that is the genre stereotypical colours.

Close up- Female model 2

Shows hair and makeup details very well, as well as a tiny part of the wall, and a small section of the clothing on the left shoulder. Chosen as the makeup is of the correct colours for my genre, the hair is accurate along with the flower crown, which I had planned for the female models to wear in my costume research, and also the pop of colour from the fraction of clothing you can see, showing off not only audience but also my genre as these are stereotypical colours associated with it.

Medium shot- Female model 2

Shows full top half of clothing, and hair details relatively. Not very good at showing makeup details, but as you can still see the outfit details, that doesn't matter. Background is in full view, and as flash was used, the colour of the wall is illuminated even more, making the colour of the jumper the model is wearing stand out more. Chosen as it shows the colour of the top well, which are the stereotypical colours for my genre of music mag.

Medium shot- Female model 2

Shows top half of costume well and details of hair decoration. Not very good at showing makeup, but in this shot it is unneeded as we have the hair and clothing to back up my pop genre well. The background is dark yet still visible, although when I am editing this photo in the near future, I will make sure to lighten it before putting it onto my magazine, as I feel the colour contrast is far too dark for a bright and colourful magazine genre like mine. Chosen as not only are the clothing and hair representing the genre and audience well, but also the pose. This is as teenage girls are stereotypically known for messing with their hair, which is what my model has been captured doing, this represents my audience well as it is in fact teenage girls.

Medium shot - Female model 1

Shows all 3 main objectives off, which are; the hair, the makeup and the clothing. It is showing the pink fluffy jumper, the girly eye makeup and the long flowing hair. As its a medium shot it does show off a little background, but yet not as much as others, as I decided to go a little different for this image and make it portrait rather than landscape. This is just to keep my magazine varied in photos and images. Chosen as it shows off the girly colour of the clothing, the glittery eye shadow, which all girls stereotypically love, and also the long natural wavy hair, which most teenage girls (my target audience) want.

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