Thursday 12 November 2015

Research and Planning ALL PHOTOGRAPHS AND WHY

I have chosen to use this photograph on/in my magazine for a number of reasons, varying from the correct colour options, to the suitable clothing, and also to the perfect makeup/look. The colours used in this photo are very captivating, which is just what is needed in a pop magazine. Some may argue that they are not the correct colours to have in a young girls pop magazine, but what they forget is there is also an older audience of teenage girls who my magazine applies to who may not necessarily want big bright bold colours all the way through, and may want some a little more grown up and suited to their age. I want my music magazine to suit all ages of my target audience, not just the younger section.

Also the clothing is very accurate for my magazine in this photograph. A plain white top, with the odd aspect of jewellery. Although it is a boy covering my magazine, the fact that he is wearing jewellery shows that the mag is appropriate for females. My main target audience for my music magazine is girls, therefore to have a cover that looks as though it is solely aimed at males would be completely wrong and inaccurate. However this image portrays and puts across the correct image.

The makeup and look on this photograph is perfect for my genre. This is because the makeup is fresh and natural looking meaning its easy for girls of my target audience to recreate. Also, the facial expression is serious but curious. This represents young girls emotions, and therefore has a hidden meaning.




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