Thursday 12 November 2015

Research and Planning EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE



                                     DSLR                                                    Nikon D3100

My main source of equipment is most certainly the iMac. This is because I will not only produce my music magazine on here, but I will also carry almost every other step out on it. This includes things such as uploading the photos, creating and updating my blog, and researching certain aspects areas I help to create my music magazine to its full potential.

I will also be using a DSLR camera to take my model head shots, my auditioning shots and my SLR shots. I will not be using this camera to take the main model shots, as this was a shoot done in my own time so this camera wasn't used.

On set for the shoot in my own time I used a Nikon D3100 camera. This allowed me to take a variation of shots in different locations and with a range of backgrounds.


I will be using to select and download the appropriate fonts for my music magazine. By using this website, and not just the regular fonts on Photoshop, I am allowing myself to make sure that I don't have the same fonts as other people on my magazine. By having more unique fonts, I am grabbing and gaining interest, and with that, creating excitement to anyone reading as they won't have seen it before.
I will also be using the software Adobe Photoshop on the iMac. I will be using this programme to not only Photoshop and edit my photos, fonts and texts, but also to create my finished and finalised music magazine. This is the programme where it will all be put together and created. I am using this software as I find it relatively easy to use. Personally, I find that very professional looking pieces come out of it, if it is used to its full potential, and as I would like my finished music magazine to look professional, I think this is 100% the correct programme to use.

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