Friday 27 November 2015


For my social networking I have decided to create a twitter page for my magazine, called @bubblegumMag. On this page I have been asking questions in a questionnaire form typed tweets, where the general public and anybody who views my account can answer anonymously what they their opinion is on the question asked. All the questions are things relating to my music magazine. I have too posted a link to this blog in the description of the page, on the page so that it enables anybody willing to buy my magazine, once it comes out, can view the process of it being made and all the decision, progress and thought process that does/will go into making it.
So far I have asked my followers ''Which one of the following artists gigs should I review?'' with the answer options being; One Direction, Little Mix or the Vamps. The second question I have asked so far is ''Do you agree £2.50 is a reasonable price for a fortnightly pop magazine? where the answer options were either yes or no. The final question asked so far is ''Which bright colour scheme do you think would fit best throughout my pop magazine? where you had to pick one of the following scheme of 3; Pink,Orange,Blue, Pink,Yellow,Purple, or Pink,Green,Turquoise. I have had some responses so far which is promising and have gained a few followers before the night was up.
Once I have asked more questions, which will be within the next couple of weeks, I will be posting the responses. As you can see here, it shows me how much percentage a certain answer option has got and after 24 hours the question time is up, and the results are counted. This is good timing as I don't have to therefore wait ages for audience feedback. The main reason I have created this twitter page is in order to get feedback on my magazine by the general public, specifically my target audience, as they will be the ones who will be purchasing it.

Below are some screenshots of what my twitter page looks like.


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