Thursday 12 November 2015

Reszearch and Planning AUDITION OF MODELS

In order for my music magazine to be successful I thought it was very important to have the correct models representing it. To make sure this happened I decided to hold an audition process where I took shots of 5 different models. By doing this I managed to choose my correct models that, in my opinion, represent my magazine genre and target audience fully. In order to do this the models had to look fun and happy, portraying positive vibes, and wear bright colours and a more natural makeup with brighter colours, rather than a dark eye. The fashion had to be bright and fun, not dark and dull. For girls it had to be unique and pop with colours, and for boys plain white with lots of bold denim.
The model in picture one (top left) is snapped wearing a snapback, baggy hoody and a backpack. This is the incorrect look for my music magazine as the snapback adds an edge, which isn't relevant. The clothing colours used are all plain and dull, meaning there is no colour to link to my genre of pop. I decided not to use this model as I didn't think he was suitable for my magazine.
The model in picture two (top right) is captured wearing very dark colours and many piercings. Variation is good in a magazine, so having a model with piercings may encourage individuality, but for my genre, and possible younger percentage of my target audience, they may not be an accurate reflection of my pop genre, and therefore not fit correctly with my mag.  Also, the dark clothing does not fit correctly with my magazine and neither does the makeup, as they're both too dark based and don't portray the correct vibes.
Now, the model in picture three (bottom left) holds some aspects that would be appropriate for a pop magazine, but mainly ones that wouldn't. Starting with the appropriate aspect, the hair. Her hair is a pale blue pixie cut, identifying it as pop colour, meaning it suits well to my magazine. If every other aspect worked as well as this she would be the perfect model for my magazine, but it unfortunately that isn't the case. The clothing she has chosen to wear are not suitable for my music magazine as, like the others, the colours are too dark. This type of clothing look I think would personally work better in a rock magazine, or possibly rap, as they portray a more darker tone, which those genre music magazines tend to have. Unfortunately mine is a pop magazine, which means this look is not appropriate, and therefore for that reason, I did not use her as one of my models.
Finally, the model in picture four (bottom right) was suitable for my magazine. She was dressed in the correct colours, along with having the correct makeup and also, importantly, the correct facial expression showing that she is happy creating positive vibes.

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