Friday 27 November 2015


This is my new drawn draft of my double page spread. Since my last one I received some audience feedback which then resulted in me drawing up a new one, which has now been shaped by my audience's feedback. I decided to do this as I feel its important for the audience to like my double page spread, as its the main story and their selling point, therefore it needs to be as much as they want it as I can get it, which is why I drew this new one up.
On this new one you can see the main title in the top left hand corner, the main image on the right page, little quotations mid text, the blocks of colour at the top, which will be the three colours eventually chosen out of my 3 possible colour schemes, and also a block of a mix of several images of the artists who the story is about. I have also labelled where the story starts and ends, but this wont actually be featured on the real one, as it will be obvious once the story has been written.

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