Friday 13 November 2015

Research and Planning PRODUCTION SCHEDULE

This is my production schedule so far. As you can see the majority of it is all highlighted green signalling that I've completed these tasks but there are two in red. These are my costume and props and my publication plan. Sadly, I did not managed to get these finished in the time given but I will continue to work on them until they are done to the best the can be. Once they are done to a good standard I will upload them onto my blog so they can be viewed.

In this picture of my production schedule you can see there is three different colours dotted around. I have created an easy to follow key located in the bottom left hand corner where you can identify what the colours all mean. I have put into the chart the initials of the days of the week and the week commencing's, therefore you can see exactly which dates I competed certain posts an d which weeks I was on. I have also highlighted the holidays in which I wasn't in college, therefore not as many/ no blog posts were posted in that time.

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