Friday 27 November 2015

Research and Planning PLAN FOR WEEK (3)

By the end of next week I hope to have finished all my outstanding planning posts, such as; weather viability for my photo shoots, and my 5 double page spreads (of my genre) analysis. I also hoped to  have completed my costume and props list, my colour scheme research, and my costume research post. I hope to have also started writing my double page spread story, and to have also started to design it- taking inspiration from the existing ones I have analysed on this blog. I also aim to have my second shot list up on here by the end of next week, with the shots on from the female model shoot, just I did for my male model shoot. Although for now, the shot types that were used in the female shoot are all on this blog under the post entitled FEMALE MODEL PHOTOS.

I also hope I will be able to update my blog as far as my social networking twitter page goes. I am in hopes I will get a good response and helpful feedback through it, and I would like to be able to share that on here within the next couple of weeks.

Although I must have all of these completed within in the next week/ fortnight , my absolute main goal is to of course start my magazine within the next few weeks. This means making a start on the contents page, and of course, the main cover. I would like to have this off to a good start before the Christmas Break, as then after Christmas I can just be tidying bits up and pulling everything together.

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